electronics embedded-c mechanism-design arduino prompt-engineering python 3d-printer image-gallery algorithm chatgpt fpga fusion-360 image-processing iot mechanical-reverse-engineering midjourney motion-planning motor-control solidworks 8051 altera altera-quartus-ii b-spline-algorithm bash-script caffe-framework chatgpt-api chrome-extension convolution-neural-network css database deep-learning discord-api docker drawing-task embedded-system esp32 ffmpeg fuzzy-algorithm game grafana gripper-system-design gui hack html image-classification image-recognition influxdb javascript lathe machining manipulator matlab micropython modelsim motion-control network-settings nios-ii nodemcu opencv orcad path-planning pcb-design pcb-manufacture pid-controller prompt-injection python-lib-asyncio python-lib-multiprocessing python-lib-pygame raspberry-pi robot-manipulators servo-motor sopc sql sql-injection stepper-motor vhdl
Author's picture

Guan-Ting Li (Ted Li)

Ted, a bona fide robotics enthusiast and radiating those tech-savvy vibes, seamlessly maneuvers from software, firmware, to intricate circuit designs, all the way to mechanical schematics. Driven by a zest to streamline life, supercharge personal capabilities, and ramp up efficiencies, he’s always on a quest. Forever diving into the latest tech waves, he spots opportunities and imagines endless possibilities.

Sensior Software/Firmware Engineer
